First Floor, 9 Spring Drive, Jonapur, New Delhi, 110047, India 07303325221
Complaints & Appeals

Procedure for Handling Complaints


A complaint may come from either clients (e.g., producers, processors, handlers, etc.) or from other parties such as interested stakeholders or the general public. Imperial Biosolutions Private Limited (IBSPL) investigates any complaint regarding clients’ activities in relation to the applicable standards and complaints regarding concerned certification operations.

Receipt of complaints

Complaints must be written and accompanied by supporting evidence; including prior involvement in the operation at issue.

Resolution of complaints

The CEO and his designate will conduct an investigation of the compliant. The investigation will be conducted in a confidential and timely manner. Complaint against the CEO is to be lodged with the Director board.

Investigation process

Complaints are dealt within a speedy and efficient manner and the CB has defined time limits for action. Appropriate corrective and preventive action and resolution of any deficiencies found in products or services will be taken and documented. If a certified party or applicant refuses to cooperate in an investigation, Imperial Biosolutions Private Limited (IBSPL) may deem this sufficient cause for denial or suspension of application or certification. IBSPL will maintain a record of all complaints.

Complaints regarding certified operations

Any person with knowledge of a violation of this part or knowledge that an organic product contains residues of prohibited substances or was produced with excluded methods may file a complaint with the CEO. Complaints should be in writing and signed and should provide the details known to Imperial Biosolutions Private Limited (IBSPL) from investigating.

The CEO and his designate will evaluate each complaint and will investigate complaints involving operations certified by Imperial Biosolutions Private Limited (IBSPL). Complaints involving operations not certified by the Imperial BioSolution will be referred to the NPOP program at APEDA.

Imperial Biosolutions Private Limited (IBSPL) may investigate certified or non-certified organic operations, upon determining that a need exists to protect public health and safety or preserve evidence that would justify an immediate investigation. When a complaint is resolved a documented resolution has been made and forwarded to the complainant and the party concerned.

Complaints regarding/against Imperial Biosolutions (Staff)

Complaints against Imperial Biosolutions or its staff can be lodged in writing. Complaints may address incidents in which staffs have:

Procedure for Handling Appeal

All appeals are reviewed, heard, and decided by persons not involved with the decision being appealed.

Appeal of Certification Decisions
Resolution of Disputes

Appeals committee will deal with appeals. Disputes are matters of disagreement between any party and Imperial Biosolutions that are not related to certification decision (ex. disagreements about fees paid). Imperial Biosolutions handles disputes with the same procedures used for Complaints.

Registration And Application Forms

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First Floor, 9 Spring Drive, Jonapur, New Delhi, 110047, India



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